A common issue that all vehicle owners face is that over time, the clear plastic lenses over the headlights can become foggy or cloudy, which degrades your night visibility. The fogginess generally comes from a combination of sunlight damage and built-up grime. Many owners of older vehicles know that when the headlights get foggy, that can be a problem. The vehicle can become dangerous to drive at night, or may not pass important inspections that allow it to be used for a driving test or even to allow it to stay in the road.
Cloudy Headlight Lense
An example of a cloudy headlight lens in need of some TLC. |
Headlight Cleaning Kit :
One of the most common ways is to buy a headlight restoration kit. These vary in quality and price. .
Pros: Affordable, and probably the most effective cleaning method you can do at home.
Cons: Takes time – an hour or more. Better suited for someone more experienced with working with tools and DIY projects, as you have to be careful not to damage the lens when sanding or buffing. Also, the headlight will begin clouding up again in a matter of months. The above example headlight was thoroughly cleaned with a cleaning kit 14 months ago.
Vinegar :
When using vinegar to clear off headlights, fill a large bucket full of vinegar. Remove the plastic headlight cover from the vehicle and dip it into the bucket. Make sure that it is enough vinegar to cover the whole headlight as that will save time. The headlight should be left in the vinegar for at least an hour. I have never cleaned a headlight with this method so I cannot attest to the effectiveness.
Pros: Affordable.
Cons: Labor intensive in some cases due to the fact that the headlight assembly has to be removed from the vehicle.
Sandpaper :
Unless the sandpaper is part of a packaged cleaning kit, I do not recommend this method. The chance for permanent damage to the headlight lens is high if you use an overly course grit rating. If you’re determined, you can use sand paper to scrub off the film. Only apply as much pressure as absolutely necessary. There is no point in removing a film only to have the headlight scratched and damaged.
Pros: None.
Cons: Very high chance of damage to the headlight lens.
Polish :
This is another method that is often used. Plastic or metal polish can be used. The polish will work best if the headlights are cloudy from being scratched and not when they are cloudy from grime. Make sure to read the recommendations on the bottle, as some polishes will leave a thick layer over the lens. This layer can attract even more dirt and grime, or at the least obscure the lens thus negating any benefit.
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