When dealing with heavy duty vehicles, safety of the employees is the number one priority. Make sure that all vehicles comply with the strictest safety regulations. No matter how secure your vehicle is, working with large trucks can be a trying job, especially when dealing with long hours and intense distances.
With the top tips below, you can make sure you stay safe while driving your heavy duty or dump truck.
Take regular breaks
Every couple of hours, pull over and make a pit stop. You will be amazed at how refreshed you feel after stretching your legs and drinking some coffee!
Get to know your vehicle
Make sure you know your vehicle inside out in case of a breakdown, especially if you break down while on the road.
Keep your distance
Driving a heavy duty vehicle means a slower speed, but also a reduced stopping distance. Make sure you always keep a space of 4-5 cars in between you and the vehicle in front so you have enough time to brake suddenly if need be.
Watch the blind spot
One of the main reasons for truck accidents on the road is the lack of vision when another vehicle is in the truck’s blind spot. Make sure you are always checking the spots you cannot see in your mirrors, especially before changing lanes or turning.
Watch your amount of Extra Time
Even though working overtime may help you pay the bills, it is not advisable as the longer you work, the more tired you become. No matter how much experience you have as a heavy duty truck driver, driving while even slightly tired should be avoided at all costs.
Follow these tips for safe driving and it could save your life
If you have any tips to share with other truckers, please feel free to comment below
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